Archive for Newsletters

A Bright Spot For Maine’s Summer Interns

The 2021 Maine Career Catalyst program has been a bright spot for participants this year. Despite the challenges of the past 18 months, these young people–on the brink of their first careers–found a new passion for Maine and what it has to offer. The Maine Career Catalyst is a joint…

Women of Maine’s Working Waterfront

Women entrepreneurs are increasingly choosing hardworking careers in aquaculture and turning the tides of an industry historically dominated by men. In Maine, one-third of Limited Purpose Aquaculture (LPA) license holders are now women, according to the Maine Aquaculture Workforce Development Strategy, jointly released by the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Maine…

Maine’s Bioscience Industry on the Rise, High-growth Jobs to Follow

Maine’s life sciences sector has been at the center of a whirlwind of activity this past year, and the sector continues to buzz with promising momentum for business and workforce expansion. Last month, Kebotix, a Massachusetts-based technology platform company that transforms the discovery of new chemicals and materials…

Celebrating Maine Grown Wholesome Snacks: FocusMaine Partnerships in Action

At FocusMaine, we are champions for Maine food entrepreneurs and growing food companies. Our strategy is built on the knowledge that Maine’s national reputation for high-quality food rests on a deep heritage of agricultural production. As global consumer preferences increasingly lean toward credible brands and locally sourced food,…

Celebrating Maine’s Famous Blue Food

At FocusMaine, we’re committed to supporting great Maine food.  That’s why National Blueberry Pancake Day seemed like the perfect time to shine a light on Maine’s iconic superfood, the wild blueberry. Click green heading to read more

Our Commitment to Maine’s Future

Like many of you, FocusMaine’s team is taking stock of the year behind us and looking forward to the year ahead. We’re also reflecting on the spirit of so many people who sustained us through this most difficult of years. Click green heading to read more

Resolute in Our Goals

As we head into Thanksgiving, we are thankful for so many things.  That’s why we are sharing some of the groundbreaking work led by our partners. Despite everything that 2020 has thrown our way, together, we remain resolute in our commitment. By unlocking jobs in high potential sectors,…

Maine’s Food Companies are Winning

FocusMaine’s job creation strategy is dedicated to building the bench of successful businesses that will help our economy grow and add value to Maine’s food bounty. This month, we are sharing the great news about the winners in two industry-specific Top Gun programs implemented by our partners Gulf of…

Together, We’ll grow Stronger

This month, two of FocusMaine’s initiatives have reached significant milestones, and we wanted to share these successes with you. In the coming months, you’ll be hearing more from us as we launch our next three-year plan to work alongside partners and to help grow and sustain jobs at…

Maine’s Food Businesses Benefit all Mainers

When FocusMaine identified Maine’s Food Economy as one of our big bets to create jobs across the state, we had no idea how important this choice would be today. Food security, resilient food systems, and healthy foods have always been important. More than ever, we know that the…